Joe's Pond Association Meeting
August 31, 2024
President Joe Hebert started the meeting at 10:00 am. There were over 80 members present.
Eurasian Milfoil - Last Monday (8/19) Eurasian Milfoil was identified by the State to be in the Pond and on Tuesday (8/20) a state of Vermont representative from the DEC was on site and performed a survey which confirmed the presence. Joe introduced Kimberly Jensen, the Aquatic Invasives Species Program Lead and an Environmental Scientist. She introduced herself as the lead person for Vermont on aquatic invasives and administers grants to prevent, combat, control and manage lakes with invasive aquatic plants. Kimberly also oversees the water testing of Vermont lakes. Jensen described her team’s function when any new Eurasian milfoil is found in lakes. Her team responds immediately as speed is of the essence in controlling this weed.
Joe and Pam Hebert found a master diver who worked with Vermont State divers. They staged from the LaGue home and pulled all visible Eurasian Milfoil on Wednesday (8/28). This does not mean we are out of the woods. Another survey of the pond was conducted on Friday (8/30) and no additional milfoil was found. There still could be segments or seeds still in the lakebed so the story is not over. The diving team will be coming back next Friday (9/6) to conduct another survey as the team knows they did not get all of the roots in the 10 x 20-foot patch found off LaGue’s property.
Jensen told the JPA members that everyone needs to volunteer to help control this infestation and we will need to get additional grant monies from the state to manage this milfoil. Every year a survey must be taken. A Joe’s Ponder needs to be the lead person in getting trained on how to recognize milfoil and every camp owner needs to identify potential invasive milfoil and then mark, by a buoy (green soda bottle), so the lead person will check the spot and act accordingly. Jensen gave an example of Shadow Lake whose camp owners took ownership and eradicated the invasive weed in a very short time. This is not easy to do and requires total commitment from the camp owners. Jensen stated the steps of milfoil eradication:
1. Two dive teams; 1 for picking up scatters and 1 for patches
2. Put down barrier mats. Decision on this after 9/6 survey
3. If keeps spreading; deploy diver operated harvest sucking machines (only a few operators in State)
4. Mechanical Harvesting - costly, spreads remnants widely (Bomoseen and Lake Dunmore)
5. Herbicide treatment - effective but very costly and a very lengthy permit time
Joe’s Pond has a manageable patch and Jensen felt steps A & B will be effective. Jensen answered many questions. 1) Boats are the biggest threat in bringing in invasive plants. 2) invasive species are super plants. 3) It is doubtful that waterfowl will bring in the species. 4) While the pond’s patch is small; herbicide treatment now is not feasible. It is not the preferential treatment due to the very high costs and permitting time required. It is better to keep surveying and continue with hand pulling and suction systems. 5) Milfoil does not respond to drawdowns of the lake level. The plants are up to 14 feet tall, and no permitting would allow that much drawdown of a lake plus the threat to native species is too great. 6) Joe’s Pond has a mesotrophic level of nutrients which helps invasive species. Run-off is the enemy. 7) Joe’s Pond is the most diverse lake in the State for aquatic plant species. 8) Shadow Lake eradicated their milfoil invasion by hand pulling. Suction divers are hard to schedule. 9) Increase the hours of the greeter program. Need volunteers for the off hours. A washing station is not feasible at the location of the boat launch. All the wash water would go into the lake. One could be placed off site somewhere but where? 10). Greeter programs catch about 30% of the plant matter of which 7% is Eurasian milfoil.
Jensen emphasized that weeds need to be pulled now by trained divers. Mat barriers are effective, and we may need to install one this fall. Joe’s Ponders need to get involved. The Association needs to have a lead person and target the right species.
Wake boats home lake system is under the purview of Kim Jensen. She stated that the enforcement system is not yet ready. The DEC has limited funds and staff to implement this requirement and cannot respond. She stated that Lake Bomoseen (1970) was the first to have the milfoil invasion. The milfoil was well established when it was recognized to be a problem. They have tried every remedy known to the department. Today, the milfoil has disappeared in the lake and no one knows why. No herbicide was ever attempted there due to no community support for the herbicide and hence no permit given.
Jensen emphasized, again; that the JPA needs a long-term management plan. The question period ended, and Jensen then gave a tutorial on how to identify the invasive weed and had examples, in water, to share. Kimberly Jensen’s portion of the agenda ended at 10:52 am. She was profoundly thanked by the members for the quick State response and for her talk today.
Board Actions: Joe Hebert announced that on 9/14 there will be a cleanup party at the Pavilion at 9am to clean the chairs and tables. Joe also mentioned that the Town dock next to the Rt 2 bridge was lost in July and that the WDCC would like the JPA to buy another dock. The Board authorized a $300 donation for the new dock. Another Board suggestion is to replace the old rectangular tables with lighter, easier to move around round tables. Mark Farr on Rt 2 notified Joe of a sizable sheen on the water and upon investigation by the State it was learned that a gasoline spill occurred on the Rt2 construction going on and with the rain; washed into the lake. The State immediately took over the investigation and cleaned the area.
Secretary’s report. A condensed July 6 JPA meeting minutes were read by Jamie Stewart and by voice vote accepted with no corrections.
Treasurer’s Report: Jack LaGue gave his report and stated we were in good shape. By a voice vote, the report was accepted.
Water Quality - Nicole Begin thanked everyone for their support over the last 2 weeks. The greeter program ends this weekend and she welcomes any help and ideas.
Cyanobacteria - Dorothea Penar stated that we are getting low levels of the blue/green algae bloom. If anyone sees green dots or a sheen to call her. Run-off from roads and culverts is the primary cause of the phosphorus coming into the lake. Slowing down the run-off is effective and if anyone wants to see a ‘Lake Wise' planting to contact her.
Memberships - Peter Crosby asked if any new camp owners were present. None were. He said we are behind in sign changes but will catch up.
Events - Jamie Stewart read out Sue Bouchard’s report. Stay tuned for the schedule of events for 2025 and the only change will be 4 sunfish races for 2025. Jack LaGue said he had sailing T-shirts for sale.
Member Questions:
Kate Chatot stated that if we are going to be ordering new tables for next year some mahjong tables need replacement.
Barry Cahoon asked who will do the coordination of the new program for milfoil eradication? Who is in charge and that planning and coordination is required. Joe stated that more information about the requirement for mats will be known next week and the Board will formulate a plan and get people involved. This will involve more mass emails to members.
Dave Kidney thanked Joe Hebert for the very quick response given to the threat of Eurasian Milfoil. He made a motion to authorize the Board to spend whatever amount necessary to stay on top of this. By a voice vote this motion passed.
It is understood that eradication of Milfoil is primary and secondary is the commitment for fireworks. Jack LaGue said, for now; we can do both.
Beth Fuller said that milfoil is now on everyone’s radar and those green bottle markers need to be done now.
Sue LaGue asked for the committee to be started now and we all need to step up.
The Board will formulate a plan for the mediation.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 am. It passed unanimously
Respectively submitted,
Jamie Stewart